City / Region of Quebec

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11 846 past events are found in Region of Quebec.

Thu, November 10, 2011
9:00 PM
$ 14
Music: Rock
Duchess Says + Ponctuatio

Le Cercle | Québec
Thu, November 10, 2011
9:00 PM
$ 5
Music: Rock
Coup d'État - & invité
Le Scanner | Québec
Thu, November 10, 2011
11:00 PM

Music: Electronic
Jewish Deli Night dès 23h
dès 23h
Le Cercle | Québec
Fri, November 11, 2011
8:00 PM
Music: Blues
Vero Blues Band

District Saint Joseph | Québec
Fri, November 11, 2011
8:00 PM
$ 39
Music: Jazz
Emilie-Claire Barlow
Emilie-Claire en spectacle
L'Anglicane | Lévis
Fri, November 11, 2011
8:00 PM
$ 17
Music: Pop
Vieux Bureau de Poste | Lévis
Fri, November 11, 2011
8:00 PM
$ 39.5
Music: Rock
Théâtre Petit Champlain - la Maiso... | Québec
Fri, November 11, 2011
8:00 PM
Entrée libre
Music: Classic
Les beaux ténébreux, duos d'altos | Faculté de musique de l’Université Laval - Salle Henri-Gagnon
Université Laval - Pavillon Louis-J... | Québec
Fri, November 11, 2011
8:30 PM | $ 44,50-54,50
Music: Pop
Moonwalker - The Reflection Of Michael Jackson
Le Capitole de Québec | Québec

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