City / Region of Quebec

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730 past events are found .

Fri, April 11, 2014
8:00 PM
$ 27,83-39,14
Music: World music

Le Capitole de Québec | Québec
Sat, April 12, 2014
8:00 PM
$ 27,83-39,14
Music: World music

Le Capitole de Québec | Québec
Sun, April 20, 2014
2:00 PM
$ 39,50-44,50
Music: song/chant
Marc Hervieux
Mes plaisirs
Le Capitole de Québec | Québec
Tue, April 29, 2014
8:00 PM
$ 60,88-108,72
Music: Rock
Johnny Hallyday
Born Rocker Tour
Le Capitole de Québec | Québec
Wed, April 30, 2014
8:00 PM
$ 38,00
Music: Rock
Sound of Contact
Starring Simon Collins
Le Capitole de Québec | Québec
Sat, May 10, 2014
8:00 PM | $ 39,75
Music: Jazz
Raphael Lopez & Ligia Evangelista
Le Capitole de Québec | Québec
Sat, May 17, 2014
7:30 PM | $ 20-35
Concert pour la vie «Groupe Investors» | Avec Sylvain Cossette, La banquette arrière, Highway Star et Nasty Jokers
Le Capitole de Québec | Québec

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