City / Region of Quebec

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5 707 past events are found in Region of Quebec.

Mon, July 11, 2011
8:00 PM
Music: Rock
Jimmy Hunt
Scène Molson Dry
Parc de la Francophonie | Québec
Quebec City Summer Festival
Mon, July 11, 2011
8:00 PM
$15 or pass
Music: Folk
Mark Bérubé and The Patriotic Few
Impérial de Québec
Impérial Bell | Québec
Quebec City Summer Festival
Mon, July 11, 2011
8:30 PM
$ 5-20
Music: Jazz
Paulo Ramos
Largo Resto-Club
Largo Resto-Club | Québec
Quebec City Summer Festival
Mon, July 11, 2011
9:15 PM | Laissez-passer
Music: song/chant
Douze hommes rapaillés
Scène Molson Dry
Parc de la Francophonie | Québec
Quebec City Summer Festival
Mon, July 11, 2011
10:15 PM
$15 or pass
Music: Folk
M. Ward
Impérial de Québec
Impérial Bell | Québec
Quebec City Summer Festival
Mon, July 11, 2011
10:30 PM
$ 5-20
Music: Jazz
Paulo Ramos
Largo Resto-Club
Largo Resto-Club | Québec
Quebec City Summer Festival
Tue, July 12, 2011
8:00 PM
Music: Folk
Kim Churchill
Scène Loto-Québec
Place d'Youville (carré) | Québec
Quebec City Summer Festival

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