City / Region of Quebec

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1 298 past events are found in Region of Quebec.

Sat, March 16, 2013
8:00 PM
$ 17
Music: Folk
Vieux Bureau de Poste | Lévis
Sat, March 16, 2013
9:00 PM
suggérée 5$
Music: Folk
Yellowbird and the Open Cages & Jig's Up! | concert double - Folk indie - Irish Stew & Folk-Rock
Le Fou-Bar | Québec
Sat, March 16, 2013
9:00 PM
contribution volontaire
Music: Folk
Samedi Eclectique - Julie Rousseau

Cafe Babylone - Fermé | Québec
Thu, March 21, 2013
6:00 PM
Music: Folk
Ol' Savannah
Folk appalache
Sacrilège | Québec
Fri, March 22, 2013
8:00 PM
$ 22
Music: Folk
Mark Berube
Vieux Bureau de Poste | Lévis
Fri, March 22, 2013
8:00 PM
$ 33
Music: Folk
Marie-Pierre Arthur - Aux alentours
5 sur scène
L'Anglicane | Lévis
Fri, March 22, 2013
11:00 PM
$ 5
Music: Folk
Ol' Savannah - + Invité
Mountain Music - Appalachian Folk Core
Le Scanner | Québec
Sat, March 23, 2013
10:00 PM
Music: Folk
East Road
Folk / Blues / Rock
Pub Saint-Alexandre | Québec
Sat, March 30, 2013
9:00 PM
Contribution Volontaire
Music: Folk
Fou folk funk - scène ouverte
Marianne Legendre et ses invites
Le Fou-Bar | Québec
Sat, March 30, 2013
9:00 PM
$ 15
Music: Folk
Philippe B + invité

Le Cercle | Québec
Thu, April 4, 2013
10:00 PM
Music: Folk
Adam Karch

Pub Saint-Alexandre | Québec
Fri, April 5, 2013
8:00 PM
$ 34
Music: Folk
David Jalbert
Y'a pas de bon silence
Théâtre Petit Champlain - la Maiso... | Québec

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